Notes for users familiar with AutoIt 2.64

Apart from the concept of windows and keystrokes, AutoIt v3 is quite different to v2.64 and previous versions of AutoIt.  v2.64 will continue to be available for download and there are few reasons why users should try and convert existing scripts (if it ain't broke, etc.).  However v3 has lots of great new features to make GUI automation easier than ever before, as well as being a much better general purpose scripting language.

When start to use v3 the following should help to make things a little easier.  There is also a v2.64 to v3 script converter available in the "Extra" directory which is located in the installation directory.

- Backslashes are no longer a special character.  However, quotation marks are a new issue....
     For example, Run('C:\Windows\Notepad.exe "C:\Some File.txt" ')

- Command-Line Syntax:
     There is only script mode, i.e., AutoIt.exe <filename of script file>

- Conventions:
     <cmd>, <parameter1> [,<parameter2>]  has been replaced with Cmd(parm1 [,parm2])

- Goto does not exist due to the support of loops and user-defined functions.

- AutoItv3 supports variables like most programming languages:  $myVar = "Example of assignment"

- Scripts have the extension .au3 instead of .aut

If you wish to re-write version 2.64 scripts as version 3, the following table may help you:


Version 2.64 function Version 3 equivalent
AdlibOn AdlibEnable
BlockInput BlockInput
Break Break
DetectHiddenText AutoItSetOption("WinDetectHiddenText",...)
Exit Exit
EnvAdd [see + operator]
EnvDiv [see / operator]
EnvMult [see * operator]
EnvSub [see - operator]
FileAppend [FileOpen(...,2) followed by FileWriteLine]
FileCopy FileCopy
FileCreateDir DirCreate
FileDelete FileDelete or FileRecycle
FileInstall FileInstall
FileReadLine FileReadLine
FileRemoveDir DirRemove
FileSelectFile FileOpenDialog or FileSaveDialog
Gosub [see Func...EndFunc]
Return [see Func...EndFunc]
Goto [not needed]
HideAutoItDebug --
HideAutoItWin AutoItSetOption("TrayIconHide",...)
IfInString If StringInStr(...) Then
IfNotInString If Not StringInStr(...) Then
IfWinExist If WinExists(...) Then
IfWinNotExist If Not WinExists(...) Then
IfWinActive If WinActive(...) Then
IfWinNotActive If Not WinActive(...) Then
IfEqual [see = and == operators]
IfNotEqual [see <> operator]
IfGreater [see > operator]
IfGreaterOrEqual [see >= operator]
IfLess [see < operator]
IfLessOrEqual [see <= operator]
IfExist FileExists
IfNotExist If Not FileExists(...) Then
IfMsgBox [see MsgBox(...) and Select...Case...EndSelect]
IniRead IniRead
IniWrite IniWrite
IniDelete IniDelete
InputBox InputBox
LeftClick MouseClick("left",...)
RightClick MouseClick("right",...)
LeftClickDrag MouseClickDrag("left",...)
RightClickDrag MouseClickDrag("right",...)
MouseGetPos MouseGetPos
MouseMove MouseMove
MsgBox MsgBox
Random Random
RegRead RegRead
RegWrite RegWrite
RegDelete RegDelete
Repeat [see For...Next]
EndRepeat [see For...Next]
Run Run
RunWait RunWait
Send Send
SetCapslockState AutoItSetOption("SendCapslockMode",0) + Send ("{CAPSLOCK}")
SetEnv EnvSet
SetBatchLines --
SetKeyDelay AutoItSetOption("SendKeyDelay",...)
SetStoreCapslockMode AutoItSetOption("SendCapslockMode",...)
SetTitleMatchMode AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode",...)
SetWinDelay AutoItSetOption("WinWaitDelay",...)
Shutdown Shutdown
Sleep Sleep
SplashTextOn SplashTextOn and others
SplashTextOff SplashOff
StringCaseSense [see individual functions]
StringLeft StringLeft
StringRight StringRight
StringMid StringMid
StringLen StringLen
StringReplace StringReplace
StringTrimLeft StringTrimLeft
StringTrimRight StringTrimRight
StringGetPos StringInStr
WinGetActiveStats [see WinGetPos, WinGetTitle, WinGetText]
WinGetActiveTitle WinGetTitle("")
WinKill WinKill
WinWait WinWait
WinWaitClose WinWaitClose
WinWaitActive WinWaitActive
WinWaitNotActive WinWaitNotActive
WinHide WinSetState(..., @SW_HIDE)
WinShow WinSetState(..., @SW_SHOW)
WinRestore WinSetState(...,@SW_RESTORE)
WinMinimize WinSetState(...,@SW_MINIMIZE)
WinMaximize WinSetState(...,@SW_MAXIMIZE)
WinActivate WinActivate
WinClose WinClose
WinMove WinMove
WinSetTitle WinSetTitle
WinMinimizeAll WinMinimizeAll
WinMinimizeAllUndo WinMinimizeAllUndo
#Include #Include
%CLIPBOARD% [see ClipGet and ClipPut]